260 miles from Lincoln, a little-known, cash-strapped NU outpost spawns renowned work – and serious awe

Next weekend, the Cedar Point Biological Station – roughly 260 miles west of UNL’s city campus, and a world apart – will celebrate its 50th anniversary.  Long operated on a shoestring budget and lesser known than many of the university’s glossier assets, it has spawned groundbreaking research and bestselling books, novel architecture and soaring scientific careers. 

A ‘Green Glacier’ Is Dismantling the Great Plains

Thanks in part to roughly 100 years of fire suppression on the Great Plains, the eastern redcedar tree — once primarily confined to river bottoms and rocky outcrops — has crept from the gullies to the grasslands, from the humid East to the arid West from Texas to South Dakota, and is now dismantling what little remains of one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world.